Here's a photo update from MELT November 2011.
This was, at the time, the newest project I was displaying at MELT. It has since broken. I have fixed it many times, but I think it will stay broke (email me for instructions on how to not make a clock.) I'm not too sad about it though. It was the first clock I ever made and a lot of thought went into it. I think I can probably replace the second hand mechanism completely. But it was the first and I learned something about making clocks, or rather how to not make them. I will definitely make more clocks in the future.
DJ Danimal, a local DJ from Flagstaff opened up for the night.
The first formation of the Sonny/Lexi/Holly/Jake sandwich. This formation will be repeated in future MELT photos. (What you are viewing is a rare photo of the artist in their natural environment, and you can see, they group up like a herd for protection...)
This photo and the one below were done by the ever so talented Hannah Walsh who painted with us that evening.
More Jake.
Jeremy Green.
Me and Jake. This new cherry blossom piece that I did now hangs in my daughter's room.
The newlyweds! Justin and Shannon. Awww....
Thanks for reading,
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