Greetings! Have you heard of the new place in town? The Beale Street Deli? No? Well, allow me to introduce you to the owners...

This is my Aunt Dora standing next to manager Wade Stephens. Some of you may know my aunt as Dora Manley. For you locals of Kingman Arizona, you may remember the previous establishments my aunt owned and ran: The Old Town Coffeehouse and The Kingman Deli. (Those of you *even closer* to me personally may remember a certain delivery driver for the Kingman Deli and all his wild antics. That would be my brother.) Well Dora is back in business! Dora's Beale Street Deli held it's grand opening on July 13, 2010. And if you haven't been downtown to try a "Manley" yet, you are missing out on tasty creative sandwiches (mmmm sammiches) wine, dinners, community events, great colorful atmosphere, a lovable and hilariously entertaining owner, and a thing I am still not familiar with called "High Tea." But lucky for you, I submit photographic evidence of the charm and style this (more than just a) deli place has to offer.
Here is the wall behind the front counter where you may browse the menu and order deli sandwiches.
Behind this deli case is where the (magic happens) sandwiches are made.
Inside of this deli case, you may see some delectable CUPCAKES!

And let me tell you, these cupcakes not only look magical as each one is sprinkled with eat-able glitter, but they TASTE magical too! These little babies featured in this photo are either carrot cake flavored or red velvet flavored. (I'm not sure, I loved them A LOT and took quite a few photos.) When you visit the deli, be sure to ask Dora about her cake maker
Siuming Lee, who also makes wedding cakes.Heading towards the back is this absolutely beautiful room, appropriately named "The Back Room." Here formal dinner parties, wine tasting parties, and "High Tea" are served. Some of these events are invitation only, so call Dora for reservations!
On July 13, Amy and I attended the Beale Street Grand Opening. There was such a HUGE turnout, the place was packed! I was so happy for my Aunt Dora, I felt like my heart would burst every time I looked at her. Here is a shot Amy snapped of the crowd that turned up at the grand opening.

Lucky for us, we arrived just in time for the ribbon cutting ceremony outside the front doors. This was a huge moment of success for Dora, I am so happy for her. Here she is standing next to business partner and co-owner, Donovan Schmidt.

This might not be the most photogenic photo of my aunt since the wind is blowing her hair all over the place, but this is her getting a kiss from her husband Kurt Manley. You may happen to meet Kurt if you ever go to fast tracks.

And this is the group standing outside the front entrance. Memorize this image of the front entrance. As you drive down Beale Street conducting your usual business, see this building and stop there for lunch. Repeat as many times as necessary for maximum enjoyment :D

I have my own small piece of news to share about this deli. As of next week, my paintings that are for sale will be displayed in the deli for viewing and sale. You may purchase the paintings there or purchase them on my website. I'm really excited about this, this is the first time I have ever had the opportunity to display my work for sale in a public establishment. So thank you so much Dora, I love you!
This is my wall in the deli, down the hall toward the back room. Behold:
Thanks for reading, be sure to stop by the deli and view my art while enjoying a sandwich or glass of wine!