This is a picture blog to post all (or most) of the completed works I have done since November 2010 until now, June 2011. Just to bring you up to speed. This is going to take a while, so let's jump right into it with minimal banter.
My work on being set up on display at Melt November 2011
The second cherry blossoms, this one was painted live during Melt Nov 2010. This one hangs in my daughter's room now, acrylic on 18x24 canvas.
This one I did as a Christmas present for my friend . It is Dita von Teese on a 11x13 canvas. I actually still have this in my possession since Paddy loaned it to me to keep displaying at Melt, and I need to mail it to him since he moved to Washington state.
This is the second in the breakdancer series and I am really really proud of it. Seriously. I did it live at Melt March 2011, our first night at The Orpheum. Apparently, some guy liked it so much at Melt, he attempted to bully me into selling it to him while it was half way completed for an insultingly low price. I just smiled and told him to go get his money and he never came back. It is done with acrylic on a 12x12 canvas.
This one is sorta a half sculpture/half painting and is some sort of contemporary home decor. It is done in acrylic on a 18x24 canvas. I also bought a "crackling" chemical that makes the paint look aged, which I painted the frame with. It is for sale for $50.00
The cherry blossom branches are just placed in the vase, but the new owner of this painting can swap them out for anything, only the vase and frame is secured in place.
This is another second in a series. This is the second Breakfast in Bed tray pillow. The first one was such a cute idea that everyone loved and it sold fast on my old Etsy store (now closed.) So I made another, this time with waffles. It is approximately 12x18 and made out of the same fabric as the first. It is for sale for $35.00.

This was fun to make, it was the first stencil piece I ever did. It is done with acrylic paint mostly, hot pink spray paint, and a little bit of glow in the dark paint, on a 7x14 canvas. It is for sale for $25.00
This last piece has a little fun story. I am fascinated with masks and face paint. While shopping around for art supplies, I got lucky and found a roll of plaster gauze. So I did the mask thing, cut out strips, soaked em in hot water and applied them to my face. (Note: If you are going to attempt this, make sure to cover ALL of your face in Vaseline first.) Anyway, I was really thorough and covered up every inch of my face that I could and then the plaster started to harden..... and then I gave myself a panic attack feeling like I was smothering in a mask that I couldn't rip off. I had to widen the one nose hole I left open and force myself to calm down.
When that fun part was over and I carefully (painfully) removed this thing from my face and let it dry.... I painted it with something I feel really connected to. So that is the whole story of the John Lennon mask. It is for sale for $20.00
That's all for today, thanks for reading!